Public Forum on Food Harvesting and Distribution in Davis
Time: 1:00 PM (US/Pacific)Location: Davis Public Library Blanchard Community Room
Many of you found out about the broccoli grown for academic purposes at UC Davis through the Davis Enterprise , on CBS13, over the KDVS90.3fm interview, via email, or you heard about it through a friend. I was excited by the inundation of phone calls and emails from people interested in continuing to harvest on Friday January 28th. Unfortunately, our efforts were suddenly canceled.
On Friday morning, the Principle Agricultural Superintendent of the broccoli field informed me that the broccoli was gone: it had been chopped down by a tractor the day before. I am confused as to why my school did what it did. They told me “the weather conditions were perfect” to go in and destroy the broccoli, but they knew about the community movement to harvest through the various media outlets. They knew that there were dozens of people planning to help harvest the food, in an effort to feed themselves and others. The Food Bank offered to wait for our donation Friday afternoon before closing for the weekend, and many other social services were on stand-by to receive and re-distribute hundreds of pounds of fresh produce.
I understand that the easy choice would be to just let this go, to keep quiet about this as Ag Superintendent asked me to, and to go back to my life as a 2nd year student at UC Davis. The bigger and scarier challenge is to be a productive citizen of this progressive community— one that assists in the distribution of fresh food to those who need it the most. Why doesn't UC Davis have an program in place that distributes acres and acres of food grown for academic purposes?
I would like to facilitate a public forum regarding the many acres of unconsumed fresh food in Davis, so that food is not wasted, but rather is made available for those who need it the most.
If you are interested in contributing ideas and/ or taking action, please join us on Sunday February 27 from 1-2:30pm at the Davis Public Library Blanchard Community Room
For more information or questions contact me, Anna-Ruth Crittenden at
Davis Enterprise Article:
KDVS90.3fm Radio Interview:
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